2 Minute Read

    Introduction to Sexual Consent

    By Safer Me Safer You, SHFPACT

    Published 30 June 2024,
    Last Updated 26 November 2024

    SECCA and Sexual Health Family Planning ACT (SHFPACT) have partnered together to design and develop this book about sexual consent. The book is in Easy English with pictures to explain the text, and Plain Language to scaffold learning. The book was developed in consultation with people with disability.

    This book introduces important sexual consent topics and provides examples of sexual consent and different ways to communicate.

    It includes information about:

    • rights

    • sexual consent

    • communication sexual consent

    • healthy relationships

    • consent when using the internet

    • the law

    • sex workers

    • sexual violence.

    This book aims to focus on sexual consent topics including laws, rights and how to get help if you have experienced sexual violence.

    This book is for everyone. It can be read by people of all abilities. From a sex positive and person-centered approach, this resource is written in a way that reinforces the rights of people with disability and how to feel safe and comfortable in sexual relationship. It aims to provide people with information to help them understand and put sexual consent intro practice when needed. 

    This book is available in double-page spread

    and single-page spread.

    Please note that the alt text for images is currently missing from both PDFs. We are actively working on incorporating alt text into the single-page spread PDF and will update it as soon as possible.

    Two adults are on the couch together with a pillow behind them and a blanket wrapped around them. They are sitting in a private room with the curtains closed cuddling on the couch. A cup of tea sits on a table off to one side, whilst a green plant in a black pot sits on the other side. One adult has their hand around the other’s thigh. The other adult has their hands on the other’s knee and the side of their head. The one behind has a speech bubble with an image of them kissing. The other has a big green YES written in their speech bubble.

    This book is managed by SHFPACT as part of their Safer Me Safer You project in collaboration with SECCA. It is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. There are two books in this series. The first book is an Introduction to consent. The second book is on sexual consent. This is the second book.