Best Practice Guidelines

    National Guidelines for workers to create social and sexual safety for, and with, people with disability, Version 1 August 2024
    Rachael Leahcar, Mel Harrison and Danielle Dal Cortivo (from Left to Right)

    These National Guidelines for Service Providers to Create Social and Sexual Safety for People with Disability (the Guidelines) are best practice principles for Australian workplaces and workers to increase social and sexual safety for people with disability.

    These Guidelines are designed to inform ongoing development and training that can improve social and sexual safety for everyone. These Guidelines include a toolkit with resources for how workplaces should approach and support sexual health, consent, and respectful relationships education.

    Read the Guidelines

    This is a 66-page PDF.

    Social and sexual safety affects everyone and these Guidelines are for anyone with disability, regardless of their sex, gender or sexuality. These Guidelines aim to raise awareness and understanding of the lived experiences of people with disability and how these affect social and sexual safety. These experiences are included in the Guidelines as quotes and case studies. They capture what people told us during the process to create the Guidelines.

    The Safer Me Safer You project has a key focus on supporting women, girls, and people who are gender-diverse. This is in response to the higher rates of sexual violence experienced by women, girls and gender-diverse people with disability. However, these Guidelines create a framework for workplaces and workers to create cultures of safety for all people with disability.

    More resources and tools to support the implementation of these Guidelines will be added to this section of the website in the future.