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    FIDA Case Study

    By Safer Me Safer You, Mary Pozzobon

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    Case Study: Football Integration Development Association (FIDA)

    This is a 5-page PDF.

    FIDA Player Code of Conduct

    A poster for FIDA's Player Code of Conduct features a photo of rugby players running and smiling. The FIDA logo is in the top left corner. The text reads: "PLAYER CODE OF CONDUCT" with "TRY" in circular black icons below it. The words "TEAM. RULES. YOU." are highlighted in yellow. At the bottom, it states, "At FIDA we follow our Code of Conduct to keep everyone happy and safe, both on and off the field." A QR code and the URL "https://fida.org.au/player-code-of-conduct/" are in the lower right corner.A poster for FIDA's Code of Conduct features rugby players running and smiling. The FIDA logo is in the top right corner. The word "TRY" is displayed at the top, with "T" in a black circle and "is for TEAM." in large text. Below are the following texts:
WHO: "Our teams are all the players, umpires, officials, and volunteers."
WHAT: "Respect every player regardless of their age, race, gender, ability, nationality, or sexuality."
WHY: "When we respect each other, everyone feels safe on and off the field."
At the bottom, it states, "Together we TRY to keep everyone happy and safe." There is a QR code and the URL "https://fida.org.au/player-code-of-conduct/".A poster for FIDA's Code of Conduct features the word "TRY" at the top, with "R" in a black circle and "is for RULES." in large text. The sections labeled "WHO," "WHAT," and "HOW" contain the following texts:
WHO: "The umpire reminds everyone of the rules."
WHAT: "You may not always agree with the rules during play and that's ok."
HOW: "Take a deep breath and discuss your feelings with your coach or someone you trust."
At the bottom, it states, "Together we TRY to follow the rules of the game to keep everyone safe," with a QR code and the URL "https://fida.org.au/player-code-of-conduct/". The image includes people holding a sign that reads "GOOD CHOICES KEEP US SAFE."A poster for FIDA's Code of Conduct features the word "TRY" at the top, with "Y" in a black circle and "is for YOU." in large text. The sections labeled "WHO," "WHAT," and "HOW" contain the following texts:

WHO: "Only you are responsible for your actions."
WHAT: "Your actions and words matter."
HOW: "It is brave and smart to take some time out to calm down. You can count to 10 or get a drink of water."
At the bottom, it states, "Together we TRY to be good sports and be safe," with a QR code and the URL "https://fida.org.au/player-code-of-conduct/". The image includes players interacting on the field.

    FIDA Beyond the Posts Deck

    This is a 19-page PDF.

    FIDA News 24 May

    This is a 5-page PDF.

    FIDA Strategic Plan 2024-2026

    This is a 12-page PDF.